Meeting about Morgan Falls Bridge

Posted: April 25, 2010

The Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area will conduct an informational public meeting on May 12, 2010, regarding the proposed Morgan Falls bridge and connecting trails.

The meeting will be from 7:00 – 8:45 p.m. at the East Cobb Library in the Kroger shopping center at the corner of Johnson Ferry Road and Lower Roswell Road (4880 Lower Roswell Road, suite 510).

The purpose of the meeting is to provide information on the proposed project, the Environmental Assessment process, the alternatives being considered, and the Choosing by Advantages process that will be used to select the preferred alternative.

At this time a preferred alternative has not been selected. A question and answer period will follow the initial presentation. Public comments will be allowed as time permits, but will not be recorded or compiled.

The meeting is primarily informational, to assure that interested parties have an opportunity to understand the alternatives being considered and the process being used to select the preferred alternative. The next formal public comment period will occur when the draft Environmental Assessment is released later this year.

For additional information, go to the Sandy Springs Conservancy Web site.

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