Santa will be coming on Wednesday at the clubhouse from 1-2:30. Bring your camera!!

RSVP to Joe DeSantis at either home phone 770-993-5112  or cell is 404-556-8148

Dear Waterford Green Neighbor,

I have a treat for all your children and grandchildren (and for adults too).  A real live (as live as one can be) Santa Claus, ala “Miracle on 34th Street”J  He will be at our Club House this coming Wednesday, December 22nd, from 1:00 until 2:30.  Santa, aka Peter Krams, is a dear friend of ours, and has offered to visit with our young ‘uns free of charge.  As you can see in the attached photos (taken at a mutual friend’s home this Thursday), his hair is long and white, as is his beard, moustache and eyebrows – all natural.  The “roundness” is real too.  Peter was born in Australia of Danish and Latvian parents, and thus his Nordic appearance.  He is an architect by trade, and has been visiting children in schools and churches for quite some time.  He and his wife Margaret live in Cumming.

Although he is doing this free of charge as our friend, Peter is currently one of our millions of Americans that is out of work.

I would ask that you consider a voluntary contribution for the Krams’.  Jo and I will both have envelopes on our person, and you may put a bill in if you choose, but there is NO obligation.  Peter does NOT know we are doing this.

So do bring your young children and grandchildren to the club house this coming Wednesday, and treat them to a visit with Santa.

Also, there will be no photographer, so please bring your own camera.

Finally, since “Santa” has to drive all this way from Cumming, I would ask that you RSVP to me with the number of children that you will be bringing.  My e-mail is:  My home phone is 770-993-5112, and my cell is 404-556-8148.  Please respond NO LATER THAN than Monday at 6:00 PM.

With our love and Holiday wishes to all,
Jo and Joe DeSantis

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