Letter to Homeowners
March 29, 2012
Dear Neighbor,
The Board has heard concerns from real estate community professionals that the Waterford Green appearance needs attention. Over the last several years, we have focused on upgrading the common areas to address this concern—the playground, pool, tennis courts, and more.
Ken Leebow has been selected to be the Board member on the Architectural Control Committee to ensure we maintain the Waterford Green Architectural Control Covenants and our home values.
It is the board’s desire to upgrade and maintain Waterford Green's perceived rating. Candidly, to do this, we will need everyone's cooperation and participation. We have identified a few simple, but powerful, changes that will assist Waterford Green in obtaining this goal. While some suggestions will pertain to our homes, none have anything to do with the interior.
Here's one simple tip from a real estate professional: Pretend that you are a buyer—take a walk around your house. Do you see anything that might need attention?
We've identified a few "easy-to-address" items. Many are free to implement.
1. Garbage Cans - when it is not garbage pickup day, please keep all garbage and recycling cans in your garage.(Per the covenants, if they are kept outside, they are to be in the garage OR behind an APPROVED screen out of sight except on pick-up day)
2. Landscaping - now that the community is about 24 years old, many of our yards need a little attention. When you get a moment, take a walk around your yard. The yard might need some pine straw. (If you have an area designed for pine straw, plan to replenish, please.) Some of the trees or shrubs might be overgrown and are in need of trimming.
If you do have trees rubbing against your home or hanging over your roof, over time you might incur a large expense repairing stucco or getting rid of nuisance animals in your attic. (Also notice if limbs are hanging over your neighbor’s house and trim where necessary.)
3. Yard Debris - If your back yard or side yard has become a storage area for assorted items, please make a spot in your basement for them. (Debris should not be on property.)
4. Items on Street - Cars, play equipment, sport goals, and other items should not be left on the street overnight. (Cars should not be parked on the street on a daily basis during the day—Nannies, cleaners, etc.) As it relates to cars, especially on Waterford Green Drive, it is a safety issue.
It is the board’s desire to upgrade and maintain Waterford Green's perceived rating. Candidly, to do this, we will need everyone's cooperation and participation. We have identified a few simple, but powerful, changes that will assist Waterford Green in obtaining this goal. While some suggestions will pertain to our homes, none have anything to do with the interior.
Here's one simple tip from a real estate professional: Pretend that you are a buyer—take a walk around your house. Do you see anything that might need attention?
We've identified a few "easy-to-address" items. Many are free to implement.
1. Garbage Cans - when it is not garbage pickup day, please keep all garbage and recycling cans in your garage.(Per the covenants, if they are kept outside, they are to be in the garage OR behind an APPROVED screen out of sight except on pick-up day)
2. Landscaping - now that the community is about 24 years old, many of our yards need a little attention. When you get a moment, take a walk around your yard. The yard might need some pine straw. (If you have an area designed for pine straw, plan to replenish, please.) Some of the trees or shrubs might be overgrown and are in need of trimming.
If you do have trees rubbing against your home or hanging over your roof, over time you might incur a large expense repairing stucco or getting rid of nuisance animals in your attic. (Also notice if limbs are hanging over your neighbor’s house and trim where necessary.)
3. Yard Debris - If your back yard or side yard has become a storage area for assorted items, please make a spot in your basement for them. (Debris should not be on property.)
4. Items on Street - Cars, play equipment, sport goals, and other items should not be left on the street overnight. (Cars should not be parked on the street on a daily basis during the day—Nannies, cleaners, etc.) As it relates to cars, especially on Waterford Green Drive, it is a safety issue.
5. Architectural Control - If you are making any exterior changes to your home, please request approval for the change. The ACC approves all plans for any exterior changes to your home (roof, color, shutters, landscape, etc.). To make certain your plans meet the design standards of the Waterford Green subdivision, please submit them to the Waterford Green ACC committee. In the past, this has been a problem. As of 2012, it is the Board’s position to maintain the design standards.
At the Waterford Green website, you can review information about the ACC (The Architectural Control Committee: What is it and why should I care?) and obtain the form you need for approval.
At the Waterford Green website, you can review information about the ACC (The Architectural Control Committee: What is it and why should I care?) and obtain the form you need for approval.
Two resources:
1. After pollen season (around April 15), we will be power-washing the clubhouse and surrounding area. The company we will be using is Hydro Dynamic - 404-248-2900. Last May, they power-washed many of the homes in Waterford Green.
2. We have identified a group that will sell and spread pine straw for $4.00 a bale. If you are interested please contact Gloria at 770-912-6671 for information and to schedule.
If you have any questions, suggestions, observations, or comments, please contact Ken Leebow, Bill Bladen, or Lee Cagle.
Thank you,
The Waterford Green Board:
Bill Bladen, Carl Henry, Ken Leebow, Louis Alterman, Mark Reardon, Bonnie Bear, and Gale Foss
Ken Leebow, Chair, ACC
Lee Cagle, HOA Manager