Pool Gate RFID Devices Will be Handed Out on Saturday, June 16
This is very important message regarding access to the Pool with the new locking system:
The pool will have extended hours this summer but the lifeguard hours have been reduced. In order to access the pool during NON LIFEGUARD hours you will need an electronic key – RFID or Radio Frequency ID.
Our pool chairman, Mark Reardon, will be at the Pavilion Saturday, June 16 from 11 am to 2 pm to code and distribute the electronic keys to ADULTS at least 18 years old. For those neighbors that cannot make these hours, Mark will arrange for other distribution times.
You will need to sign an agreement and test your key before you leave.
You will receive a copy of the agreement you sign. One is attached for your review, but you will be given one at the registration with your RFID numbers.